Ian Cooper






Generation of EM waves





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E field and B field plots generated by an oscillating electric dipole. Vector diagrams and contour plots.


E field, B field, Poynting vector plots generated by an oscillating electric dipole.  Animation of E field and B field as a function of the radial displacement from the dipole.


Animation of the E field in the YZ plane.


E-field and B field as functions of radial displacement and polar angle.


This function is used to add arrows to a plot.

     zT = 2+2.5i; zTmag = 1.3; zTA = pi/2+atan2(2.5,2);

     HL = 0.2; HW = 0.2; LW = 2; col = [0 0 1];

     DrawArrow(zT, zTmag, zTA, HL, HW, LW, col)  % B


 zT   Tail of the arrow expressed as a complex number;   zTmag   magnitude of the vector;   zTA   angle of the vector w.r.t. “X axis” in radians;   HL   arrow head length;   HW   arrow head width;   LW   line width;  col   colour of arrow.




Maxwell's equations imply that classical electromagnetic radiation is generated by accelerating electrical charges. As an example, we will consider the generation of electromagnetic waves from an oscillating electric dipole. Although this is an idealized system, it provides a basic building block for constructing realistic sources of radiation from antenna systems. An infinitesimal electric dipole oscillating at a single frequency is known as an Hertzian dipole.


Matlab can be used extensively to de-mystify much of the complicated mathematics describing the generation of electromagnetic waves. Such an approach may be helpful for students to understand better radiation phenomena.



Consider two point-like particles located on the Z axis, and close to each other on opposite sides of the Origin. Suppose an electric current (charge) flows between the two particles. The charge oscillates on each particle oscillates as




The current between the charges is



We can calculate the vector potential  at a point taking into account the time delay  for the EM wave travelling at the speed of light c to reach P from the dipole.


Fig. 1.   Radiating dipole: dipole moment  and dipole current  .


Wave parameters:



Vector potential:





The B-field is easy to calculate since 







The electric field can be obtained from one of Maxwell’s equations in free space




Using the fact that    and in spherical coordinates



The electric field is





To convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates use











The field equation all involve the phase factor    and additional factors for the radial displacement and polar angle from the dipole. The phase factor means that the field propagate as an electromagnetic wave away from the dipole at the speed of light in the radial direction with a frequency  which is equal to the dipole oscillation frequency.          


In the far field region  the E and B fields are observed at distances large compared to the wavelength from the dipole where the dominant field components are  and .  Figure 2 shows these dominant components.                  

Fig. 2.  The E and B fields components are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of energy transfer (Poynting vector – radial direction ).   cemEDR01.m


The energy radiated from the dipole is given by the Poynting vector  which gives the amount of energy in a electromagnetic field crossing unit area perpendicular to  per unit time.  The Poynting vector averaged over one complete cycle can be expressed as




and the instantaneous Poynting vector as




There is zero radiation along the axis of the dipole  and is a maximum in the equatorial plane . The energy transferred is thus proportional to the fourth power of the frequency .




The usual textbook treatment is mainly mathematical with images or detailed plots of the fields barely shown.  Using Matlab as a tool, you gain a much greater insight to EM wave generation than with the mathematics alone.  Also, much of the algebra can be avoided. For example, given the electric field as a complex quantity, there is no need to do all the “hard work” in finding the real part. The electric field given by equation (5D) can be computed and only the real part plotted. The many figures below indicate some of the possibilities of giving a more visual picture of the EM radiation emitted from an electric dipole. The default wavelength for the modelling is .

Fig. 3A.  Plots of the components of the E and B fields at time . The red curves for the envelopes show the decreases in field strengths as functions of the radial displacement.  At any time, the E field and B field are in phase with each other.   .  The distance between peaks is .   cemEDR04.m

Fig. 3B.   Plots of the components of the E and B fields at times  and .  Showing the EM wave propagating outward from the dipole source in the radial direction. cemEDR04.m


Fig. 4.   The E and B field strengths depend upon the polar angle . The E and B fields vanish for   and    ,i.e. in the direction of oscillation of the charges in the dipole (Z direction). However, the amplitudes reach a maximum for  , i.e. in a plane through the dipole and perpendicular to the direction of oscillation of the dipole.


Fig. 5A.   The electric field lines displayed in the YZ plane at time t = 0 and t = 1.0 ns (period T = 3.3356 ns).   cemEDR01.m


Fig. 5B.   The electric field lines displayed in the YZ plane as a contour plot of . The electric field values are scaled to better observe the pattern of the E field lines.  The direction of the oscillating electric dipole (located at the Origin) is the Z axis. 

During one period, the loop of E shown closest to the source moves out and expands to become the loop shown farthest from the source.  cemEDR01.m

Fig. 5C.   The electric field lines displayed in the YZ plane. The electric field values are scaled to better observe the pattern of the E field lines. Blue arrows of unit length some the direction of the E field as random points.  (could not get Matlab’s quiver or streamline functions to give the vector field)  cemEDR01.m


Fig. 6.   The time variation of the E field at a point . The E field varies sinusoidally in time with a period .    cemEDR02.m



Fig. 7.  Animated view of the E and B fields in the equatorial plane. The fields propagate at the speed of light in a radial direction away from the dipole. The red curves for the envelopes show the fields fall off as .      cemEDR02.m

Fig. 8.   Animated view of the E field lines in the YZ plane. The E field lines were calculated from the equation

                                              R.H. Good   Classical Electromagnetism




Different values of C correspond to different field lines.  Propagation of the electric field lines, whose time dependence is periodic with a period of . It takes time for E and B fields to spread outward from oscillating dipole to distant points.   cemEDR03.m



Fig. 9.   B field in the XY equatorial plane . The B field is characterized by its circular ring pattern. The distance between adjacent rings is .  The rings expand outward in time.



Fig. 10.   The Poynting vector. Each coloured line corresponds to different radial distances from the dipole (0.5 m to 1.0 m). The image gives the distribution of radiated power from an Hertzian dipole. The current in the dipole is oriented along the z axis. The distance of a point on the curves from the Origin indicate the relative power density in the direction from the Origin to a pont on the curve. There is zero radiation along the axis of the dipole  and is a maximum in the equatorial plane .   The intensity profile takes the form of a donut, with its maximum in the equatorial plane.

There is zero    cemEDR02.m




In the near field of the oscillating dipole, the energy flow alternates regularly between outward and inward directions since the E and B field are 90o out of phase due to oscillating charges and current.  The result is that the net energy flow is zero and this pulsating field falls off as . However, a changing electric field produces a changing magnetic field and vice-versa. This gives rise to the in-phase oscillations of the E field and B field. Thus, the total fields at a point P in space are the vector sum of the out-of-phase components produces by the charges and current at the dipole and the field induced locally by the time-varying fields. Since, the out-of-phase components fall off rapidly, only the in-phase induced fields dominate at far distances from the dipole and are responsible for the EM waves propagating away from the dipole. The oscillating near field of the dipole acts to launch the EM waves which produced the radiation.



The following plot is from


I cannot produce such a nice figure in Matlab.