Ian Cooper






Runga-Kutta method for solving the equation of motion for a Duffing oscillating: free, viscous damping and forced motions.



Runga-Kutta method for solving the equation of motion for a Duffing oscillating: Poincare sections




The [1D] system we will simulate is a non-linear dynamical system described by the equation of motion of a Duffing oscillator. The system of mass m is constrained to move only along the X axis. The equation of motion can be expressed as




     x is the displacement of the system from the Origin .

      is the velocity of the system

      is the acceleration of the system

      are constants    

     c1 is the damping coefficient

     c2 constant where c2 > 0

     c3 constant where c3 < 0

     c4 is the strength of the driving force

     c5 is the angular frequency of the driving force

               angular driving frequency   

              period   and frequency   

      describes the viscous damping force   

      describes the external driving force    

         is the amplitude of the external driving force



The Duffing equation describes the motion of a classical particle in a double well potential (figure 1).


The equation of motion (1) is solved using the Runge-Kutta method to find the displacement x and velocity v at each successive time step. The following parameters are them calculated:


             net force                                                                                    

             conservative force (free motion)                          

             potential energy (conservative force)



            kinetic energy                      

           total energy                                         for free motion


Figure 1 shows the displacement plots of the conservative force and its potential. The potential is defined as the potential energy per unit mass (electric potential is work per unit charge). To help understand and visualise a Duffing oscillator, we can think of a particle of unit mass whose movement is governed by the potential. Think of a [1D] marble rolling up and down hills and valleys. The Duffing oscillator is equivalent to our marble between two mountains with a small hill in the middle which separates to valleys. When there is zero damping and no driving force, if the kinetic energy of the “marble” is less than the potential energy at the top of the hills, the marble will be trapped and will simple roll back and forth just as a pendulum swings back and forth. The Duffing oscillator is like a marble trapped forever in the region between the two mountains. The potential function can be through of a two-well potential.


Fig.1.   Conservative force: potential and force curves as a function of displacement for the case in which there is zero viscous damping and no driving force  . The potential function is. The zero for the potential function is. The minima occur at  where  .



 The plots in figure 1 show that there are three equilibrium at the points where  for the duffing oscillator. These three equilibrium points are called fixed points in chaotic dynamics. The three fixed points are:

At the bottom of two valleys. For example, if the “marble” is given a small displacement from the centre of a valley, the force acting on the marble will try to restore it back to the equilibrium position. This is a stable equilibrium point.

At the top of the small hill. If the “marble” is slightly displaced from the top of the hill, the force is such that it will cause the marble to move further way from the equilibrium point. This is an unstable equilibrium point.


Because of energy conservation one can clearly never get chaos from the motion of a single degree of freedom. We therefore need to include both the driving force and the damping in order to remove energy conservation. As the strength of the driving force increases the motion of the classical particle becomes more complicated and a transition to chaotic motion occurs.


The model of the double well potential we will use for all simulations is


and the equation of motion is


   where  .           




You should do your own simulations by change the input parameters. Predict the results and then run the script to test your predictions.



Simulations #1   Free motion 

Zero damping and no driving force

Equation of motion:                   c2 = +1   c3 = -1

We will solve the equation of motion for our classical particle starting in the left-hand minimum x = -1 with velocity equal to v = 1. This is big enough kick to get the particle over the hump in the potential energy hill at x = 0 to the vicinity of the x = +1 minimum and back again. Why? (You should easily be able to show from energy conservation that the particle will get over the hump if the initial velocity is greater than )

Input parameters

     c(1) = 0   c(4) = 0   c(5) = 0

    m = 1.0     nT = 1001     tMin = 0     tMax = 30

     x(1) = -1     v(1) = 1


Fig. 2.   The motion of the oscillator is periodic. The attractor is the closed curve (limit cycle) shown in the phase plot.  The total energy of the system is conserved as there are zero dissipative or driving force acting on the system.



Simulations #2       Free motion:  unstable equilibrium

Zero damping and no driving force

Equation of motion:  

Input parameters

     c(1) = 0   c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0   c(5) = 0

    m = 1.0     nT = 1001     tMin = 0     tMax = 20

     x(1) = -1.414     v(1) = 0

Fig. 3.   The “marble” is launch from its starting position with zero kinetic energy and zero potential energy. The marble falls into the valley and then just reaches the top of the small hill which is an unstable equilibrium point. The marble briefly stops at the top of the small hill before falling back into the well. The motion of the marble is period as it rolls back and forth in the valley. The phase plot shows the periodic nature of the trajectory and the closed orbit and the attractor corresponds to the limit cycle.


Simulations #3       Damped motion

Damping and no driving force

Viscous damping causes the oscillations to die-way. This is an example of a dissipative system as energy is lost to the surrounding environment.

Equation of motion:    

Input parameters

     c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0   c(5) = 0

    Vary c(1) from 0 to 0.5 in steps of 0.1    

   m = 1.0     nT = 1001     tMin = 0     tMax = 50

     x(1) = -1.5     v(1) = -1.0


Fig. 5.  The oscillations die-away. There is a fixed point attractor at. Any set of initial conditions will evolve so that the final position of the oscillator will be located at a stable equilibrium point (attractor point).



Simulation #4.1       Damped driven motion: The road to chaos


Equation of motion:    


When a driving force acts upon the system, it increases the complexity of the phase plots. When the strength of the driving force becomes large enough, the motion of the particle becomes chaotic and is not possible to predict its motion, since any slight changes in the model parameters results in a very different movement of the particle.


N.B. As the driving force strength increases you will need to increase the maximum simulation time tMax and the number of iterations nT


Input parameters

     c(1) = 0.1     c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0.1   c(5) = 1.4

    m = 1.0     nT = 1001     tMin = 0     tMax = 200

     x(1) = 0     v(1) = 0

Fig. 6A. After an initial transient behaviour, the particles motion becomes periodic and oscillates at the driving frequency . Energy is lost from the system because of the damping but energy is added to the system by the driving force.


Fig. 6B.   This looks complicated, but in fact, most of the plot shows the initial period of time during which the motion is approaching its final behaviour which is much simpler. The early behaviour is called an "initial transient". To see that this is the case, let's just look at the behaviour for t at later times between 150 and 200 as shown in figure 6C.



Fig.6C.   After some transient behaviour, the system stabilises, and the motion becomes periodic. The period of oscillation is equal to oscillation of the driving force.  The phase space trajectory encircles the fixed-point attractor (x = 1, v = 0) as it evolves to a closed orbit called the limit cycle.


Simulation #4.2       Damped driven motion: The road to chaos

                                  Equation of motion:  


Increasing the amplitude of the driving force (c4), a family of periodic orbits is obtained. However, as the driving force increases further, the phase space trajectory begins to wander away from the fixed-point attractor in a haphazard manner, but the motion is not yet chaotic as shown in figure 7. If you watch the animation, you will see the attraction of the system towards the three equilibrium fixed points.


Input parameters

     c(1) = 0.1     c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0.32   c(5) = 1.4

    m = 1.0     nT = 1001     tMin = 0     tMax = 800

    x(1) = 0     v(1) = 0



Fig. 7A.   The amplitude of the driving force is c4 = 0.32. The system wanders around between the fix-point attractors at   in a haphazard manner.


Fig. 7B.  The particle moves through both of the wells. However, again, most of this complexity is due to an initial transient.



Fig. 7C.   The phase space plot becomes much simpler after the initial transient period. The particle settles down near the x = +1 minimum, and once it has done so, goes twice around x = +1, v = 0 before retracing its path. Depending on the exact value of the strength of the damping force c(4) and the initial conditions, the particle could also have gone into a doubled orbit near the x = -1 minimum.  In fact, the period has doubled . This phenomenon is called period doubling.



Simulation #4.3       Damped driven motion: The road to chaos

     Equation of motion:  


A further increase in the strength of the driving force can lead to a further period doubling.


Input parameters

     c(1) = 0.1     c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0.34   c(5) = 1.4

    m = 1.0     nT = 8001     tMin = 0     tMax = 2000

    x(1) = 0     v(1) = 0



Fig. 8.   The orbit now goes 4 times round the point x = -1 before repeating. The period has doubled again . We have started a period doubling sequence of "bifurcations".



Simulations #4.4       Damped driven motion: The road to chaos

     Equation of motion:  


Further increasing the amplitude of the driving force leads to chaotic motion. The phase space trajectory wanders around in a more or less aimlessly manner. Slight changes in the initial conditions leads to very different phase space trajectories. Hence, the trajectory becomes unpredictable.


Input parameters

     c(1) = 0.1     c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0.38   c(5) = 1.4

    m = 1.0     nT = 18001     tMin = 0     tMax = 3600

    x(1) = 0     v(1) = 0


Fig. 9.  The motion does not settle into a periodic orbit. The motion of the particle is now chaotic.



There is a way to study chaotic motion that is better than watching a trajectory wander around in phase space. For a system which includes the viscous damping and an externally applied driving force, the Poincare section is constructed on the phase plot (x vs v graph) by only plotting points every   where  is the angular frequency of the driving force and  is its period.


If the orbit in phase space is periodic, with this period, then we will get only one point displayed on the plot. If the orbit has a period equal to two times the period of the driving force, then the Poincare section will show two points, and so on. If the system is chaotic, the Poincare section will consist of a pattern of points called the attractor. The attractor has a structure that is often beautiful. A surprising result is that a deterministic system can exhibit unpredictability and apparent chaos and at the same time preserve a coherent global structure.


Simulations #5     Poincare sections          chaos02.m

A useful way of analysing chaotic motion is to look at what is called the Poincare section. Rather than considering the phase space trajectory for all times, which gives a continuous curve, the Poincare section is just the discrete set of phase space points of the particle at every period of the driving force, i.e. at 


Input parameters

     c(1) = 0.1     c(2) = 1   c(3) = -1   c(4) = 0.38   c(5) = 1.4

    m = 1.0     nT = 501   nP = 18000

    x(1) = 0     v(1) = 0

nT is the number of calculations before another point is plotted.

nP is the number of points pointed at time intervals of .

For figure 10, nP =18000, which is a very large number. nP must be large enough to plot enough points to show the structure of the Poincare section. It took about 3 minutes to calculate and plot the Poincare section.

Fig. 10. Poincare section of the Duffing two-well oscillator. This strange diagram is the strange attractor. It is the limiting set of points to which the trajectory tends to after every time interval equal to the period of the driving force. Notice that the structure is complicated but not completely random. We see structure.