WAVE MOTION Most information
about our surroundings arrives as a wave: sounds are transpoted to our ears;
light to our eyes and electromagnetic radiaiton to our mobile phones. Through
wave motion, energy can be transferred from a source to a receiver without
the transfer of matter between the two points. A good visual example
are the waves on the surface of water. When a stone is dropped into a lake,
waves will be generate that travel outwards in expanding circles, with the
centres as the source of the disturbance. The wave propagates, not the water.
Fig.1. Snap shot of
the waves on the surface of water.
At each point, the water bobs up an down. The shape of the wave
can be approximated by a sine curve. |
a simple model for the propagation of a wave along the X axis which is
represented pictorially as a sine function that
depends both on time The
1 kHz = 103
Hz (kilo) 1 MHz
= 106 Hz (mega) 1GHz = 109
Hz (giga) The
AM radio waves are broadcast in the kHz range
FM radio waves are broadcast with MHz frequencies
Microwaves have GHz frequencies
Audible sounds are generally in the range from ~ 1 Hz to < 20 kHz The
energy carried by a wave is approximately proportional to the square of the
wave frequency. The higher the frequency the higher the transfer of energy in
a given time interval. The
This relationship holds true for all types of waves, whether
they are water waves, sound waves, waves on strings or electromagnetic waves. It
is mathematically very convenient to define two other quantities in
describing waves: the wave number or
shape of a sinusoidal wave is given by (5a)
wave travelling to the right (+ X
direction) (5b)
wave travelling to the left (- X
direction) The
symbol The
term Equations
5a and 5b describe a travelling sinusoidal wave (harmonic wave). Because the wave function
depends both on time and position, it is impossible to draw a simple graph of
the wave function. The function must be animated or shown as a graph at a
fixed time or a graph showing the variation with time at a fixed location. |
Fig. 2a.
A harmonic wave: at any position is a sinusoidal function of time |
Fig. 2b.
A harmonic wave: at any time is a sinusoidal function of position |
Fig. 3. Wave or
propagation velocity (phase velocity) |
Exercise Calculate the following
parameters from the animation of a travelling wave: amplitude wavelength period phase velocity frequency angular
velocity wave
number Describe the motion of
the particle (red) located at |
types of waves can be classified as transverse waves or longitudinal
(compressional) waves. Transverse wave – the particles of the medium
vibrate up and down in a direction transverse
(perpendicular) to the motion of the wave. Examples:
waves on a stretched string, electromagnetic waves.
Fig. 4. Transverse
wave – the particle marked + moves up and down
executing simple harmonic motion. The wave
advances 1 wavelength
in a time interval of 1 period.
Fig. 5. Animation of
a travelling transverse wave moving to the right.
Each particle executes SHM as they move up and down at right angles
to the propagation direction. Longitudinal
(compressional) wave –
the vibration of the particles of the medium vibrate along the same direction
as the wave is propagating. The
wave is characterised by a series of alternate condensations
(compressions) and rarefactions (expansions).
The plots in figure 2 also represent a longitudinal wave - the wave function
gives the displacement in the direction the wave is travelling. The
compressions correspond to the crests and the rarefactions are the troughs. Example:
sound waves in air.
Fig. 5. Longitudinal
wave – the particle marked + moves backward and
forward executing simple harmonic motion. The
wave advances 1 wavelength in a time
interval of 1 period. The particles oscillate over
very small distances, whereas the wave itself propagates over much
distances. The wavelength is the distance
between adjacent compressions
or between adjacent rarefactions. Motion
along a slinky Sound wave generated by a tuning fork Sound wave travelling through the air |
Earthquakes Both
transverse and longitudinal waves are produced when an earthquake occurs. S waves (shear
waves) P waves (pressure
waves) L waves (surface
– travel along the Earth’s surface. The motion is essentially
elliptical (transverse + longitudinal). These waves are mainly responsible
for the damage caused by earthquakes. |
Water waves A
water wave is a surface wave that moves along the boundary between the water
and the air. The motion of each water molecule at the surface is elliptical
and so is a combination of transverse and longitudinal motions. Below the
surface, the motion is only longitudinal. |
Tsunami Tsunami
is the name given to the very long waves on the ocean generated by
earthquakes or other events which suddenly displace a large volume of water.
"Tsunami" is from "harbor wave" in Japanese. A tsunami is
distinct from ordinary wind-driven ocean waves in that its source of energy
is a water displacement event. The
wave speeds for tsunamis are very high in deep water. The tsunami of December
26, 2004 travelled from near the island of Sumatra to the east coast of
Africa in just over seven hours. It was initiated by an earthquake of
magnitude 9 off the western coast of northern Sumatra. The
wave speed depends upon wavelength and the depth of the water for tsunamis at
sea. As waves enter shallower water, their wavelength and wave speed
diminishes, causing their amplitudes to greatly increase. Tsunami
waves are distinguished from ordinary ocean waves by their great length
between wave crests, often exceeding 100 km in the deep ocean water, and by
the time between these crests, ranging from 10 minutes to an hour. As they
reach the shallow waters of the coast, the waves slow down and the water can
pile up into a wall of destruction tens of meters or more in height. The
effect can be amplified where a bay or harbour funnels the wave as it moves
inland. Large tsunamis have been known to rise over 30 meters. Even a tsunami
3 - 6 meters high can be very destructive and cause many deaths and injuries. Some
tsunamis consist of a single crest while others develop a broad trough in
advance of the main wave and a succession of smaller waves behind. It is the
preceding trough, together with man's curiosity, that has been the cause of
much loss of life. People attracted by the very low water as the tsunami
approaches have gone out to walk on the newly exposed sea floor and have been
drowned as the rising pulse flooded shoreward. Depth of
water (m)
7000 Velocity
(km.h-1 )
950 Wavelength
280 amazing numbers !!! |
Animation produced with wm_travelling.m If
you have any feedback, comments, suggestions or corrections please email: Ian
Cooper matlabvisualphysics@gmail.com |