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The function  tp_fn_Newton.m  can be used to solve many problems related to Newton’s Law of Cooling.

Download the mscript for the function and check that you understand the structure of the coding and how the code performs the calculations.

The function and its inputs are:


function [ ] = tp_fn_Newton(R,N,tMax,T0,Tenv, flagC)


  % R     Cooling constant [1/min]

  % N     Number of time steps

  % tMax  Time interval for simulation  [minutes]

  % T0    Initial temperature of system [degC]

  % Tenv  Temperature of surrounding environment  [degc]


  % flagC == 1     % Plot numerical solution only for T vs t

  % flagC == 2     % Plot of numerical and analytical solutions for T vs t

  % flagC == 3     % Plot of numerical solution fitted to data for cooling coffee





The nature of the thermal energy transferred from one place at a higher temperature to another place of lower temperature is complicated and in general involves the processes of conduction, convection and radiation.  However, if this temperature difference is not too large, the rate of change of temperature can be approximated using Newton’s law of Cooling.


Newton's Law of Cooling states that the rate of change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its own temperature and the ambient temperature (i.e. the temperature of its surrounding environment). Mathematically Newton’s Law of Cooling can be written as a first order ordinary differential equation





T             instantaneous temperature of the object  [ oC ]

t              time  [ s ]

R            cooling constant (depends on the thermal energy transfer mechanism, the contact area with its surroundings and the thermal

               properties of the object  [ min-1 ]

Tenv        ambient temperature of the surrounding environment (assumed constant)   [oC ]

        minus sign: if  then the temperature of the object will decrease with time


Newton’s Law of Cooling given by equation 1 can be solved analytically or numerically when the system’s initial temperature is T0. 


Analytical Solution

Integrate both sides of equation 1







Numerical Solution

A standard technique for the numerical solution of differential equations involves converting the differential equation into a finite difference equation. The Euler method can be used to solve equation 1 numerically:







MATLAB solutions for Newton’s Law of Cooling

The function  tp_fn_Newton.m  can be used to solve many problems related to Newton’s Law of Cooling. Equation 1 is solved both analytically and numerically. Download the mscript for the function and check that you understand the structure of the coding and how the code performs the calculations.

The function and its inputs are:


function [ ] = tp_fn_Newton(R,N,tMax,T0,Tenv, flagC)


  % R     Cooling constant [1/min]

  % N     Number of time steps

  % tMax  Time interval for simulation  [minutes]

  % T0    Initial temperature of system [degC]

  % Tenv  Temperature of surrounding environment  [degc]


  % flagC == 1     % Plot numerical solution only for T vs t

  % flagC == 2     % Plot of numerical and analytical solutions for T vs t

  % flagC == 3     % Plot of numerical solution fitted to data for cooling coffee



The function is run from the Command Window, for example


is used for a simulation with the input parameters

         R = 0.05          rate constant expressed in minutes-1

         N = 500          number of time steps

         tMax = 60     length of simulation time in minutes

         T0 = 100        initial temperature of system in oC

         Tenv = 0       surrounding environmental temperature in oC

         FlagC = 1 or 2 or 3     determines the graphical output to be displayed.


The output of the function is displayed graphically and a summary of the input and output parameters is shown in the Command Window as shown below:

>> tp_fn_Newton(0.05,500,60,100,0,2);

   Cooling constant               R  = 5.000e-02   [1/min] 

   Number of time steps           N  =  500 

   Time interval for simulation   tMax  =   60   [min] 

   Environmental temperature      Tenv  = 0.00   [degC] 

   Initial temperature of system  T0  = 100.00   [degC] 

   Final temperature of system    Tend  = 4.93   [degC] 


Fig. 1A.   Temperature of the system as it approaches the ambient temperature of 0 oC.

Fig. 1B.   The numerical and analytical solution of equation 1

 (N = 500).


For a large number of time steps N = 500, there is excellent agreement between the predictions of the numerical and analytical computations as shown in figure 1B. Generally, the larger the number of time steps for the numerical computation, the better the agreement with the analytical predictions. Figure 2 (N = 10) shows poor agreement between the numerical and analytical predictions when a small number of time steps is used.

One should always check when using numerical methods that the step size is small enough so that you get accurate results. You can often do this by continually doubling the size of N (halving the step size) until there is no significant changes in the results of the computation.

Fig. 2.   The numerical and analytical solution of equation 1

 (N = 10).  




  function [ ] = tp_fn_Newton(R,N,tMax,T0,Tenv, flagC)


1.   Exponential Decay

1.1   By varying the input parameter tMax, find the time it takes the system to cool from 100 oC to 0 oC for a cooling constant  R = 0.05.

1.2   Find the times for the temperature of the system to drop from 100 oC to 50 oC, 25.0 oC and 12.5 oC.

        What is the effective half-life time t1/2 and how is it related to the cooling constant R?

1.3   How long does it take for the temperature of the system to drop from 80 oC to 40 oC? Explain the result.


2.   Coffeee Cooling Problem

A hot cup of coffee left standing will always cool down.  An experiment was performed in which the temperature of a hot cup of coffee was measured every minute for 20 minutes. The initial temperature of the coffee was 90 oC and the ambient temperature was 20 oC. The measurements are recorded in the mscript.

Find the cooling constant R for the hot coffee cup loosing thermal energy to its surroundings at a constant rate.

Start with R = 0.01, N = 5000, tMax = 60, T0 = 90, Tenv = 20, flagC = 3

  >> tp_fn_Newton(0.01,5000,60,90,20,3);

How well does Newton’s Law of Cooling describe the cooling of the coffee?

From the graphically output, find the value of t1/2 and calculate R. How does your calculated value of R compare with the value of R used in the input?

It is a good idea to make your own measurments for the cooling of the coffe and enter your data enter into the mscript.


Fig. 3.   Initial attempt  at fitting the exponetial decrease in temperature to measured date for the coffee. The red cirles show the measurements.


 Change the input parameters of the function to get the best estimate of the cooling constant R.


3.   CSI: MURDER – time of death

At the scene of a crime a dead person was found. Can you determine the time of death?

What details do you need to know?

What meaurements need to be taken?

The temperature of the body was measured to be 32.0 oC at 5.00 pm and at 28.5 oC on hour later at 6:00 pm. The room temeprature was 22 oC.

Estimate an uncertainty in the time of death assuming that the room temperature measurement could have fluctuated by 1oC.



1.   Exponential Decay


1.1     Time to reach ambient temperature ~ 120 minutes

1.2     T1 = 50 oC     t1 = 13.86 min

           T2 = 25 oc     t2 = 27.71 min                 t2 – t1 = 13.85 min

           T3 = 12.5 oC      t3 = 41.56  min           t3 – t1 = 13.85  min

           Half-life time interval = (13.85  0.02)  min

          (measurements using Data cursor)



1.3     T1 = 80 oC     t1 = 4.44 min

           T2 = 40 oc     t2 = 18.32 min                 t2 – t1 = 13.88 min



2.  Coffee Cooling Problem

R = 0.04 is the best estimate.

The predictions using Newton’s Cooling Law with R = 0.04 agree very well with the measured temperatures of the coffee.



Take T1 = 80 oC    t1 = 4.00  min

T1 -Tenv = (80 – 20)  oC = 60 oC

To calculate  you only have to measure the interval for the temperature to drop by 30 oC.  Hence T2 = 50 oC  and t2 = 21.18  min  (measurements using Data Cursor in figure Window).

Therefore,   = (21.18 – 4.00)  min   =  17.2  min




3.   CSI: MURDER – time of death


     Tenv = (22  1) oC

     Tbody = 37 oC                normal body temperature

    At 5:00 pm  T = 32.0 oC     At 6:00 pm     T = 28.5 oC

You need to calculate the cooling constant R for the drop in temperature of the victim from 32.0 oC to 28.5 oC  in 60 minutes.

This is done by a trial and error process by changing the value of R using the function  tp_fn_Newton.m  in the Matlab Command Window

>> tp_fn_Newton(7.18e-3,5000,60,32,22,1)      returns the following output in the Command Window

Cooling constant               R  = 7.180e-03   [1/min] 

Number of time steps           N  = 5000 

Time interval for simulation   tMax  =   60   [min] 

Environmental temperature      Tenv  = 22.00   [degC] 

Initial temperature of system  T0  = 32.00   [degC] 

Final temperature of system    Tend  = 28.50   [degC]


>> tp_fn_Newton(8.2e-3,5000,60,32,23,1);

Cooling constant               R  = 8.200e-03   [1/min] 

Number of time steps           N  = 5000 

Time interval for simulation   tMax  =   60   [min] 

 Environmental temperature      Tenv  = 23.00   [degC] 

 Initial temperature of system  T0  = 32.00   [degC] 

 Final temperature of system    Tend  = 28.50   [degC] 



Take the value of R and its uncertainty to be

     R = (7  1)x10-3   min-1

and execute the function to find the time the time for the victim’s temperature to drop from 37 oC to 32 oC


R = 7x10-3   min-1

Time interval = 58 min

R = 8x10-3   min-1

Time interval = 51 min

R = 6x10-3   min-1

Time interval = 68 min


Our estimate for the time interval for the temperature of the victim to drop from 37 oC to 32 oC is (58 10) min

Therefore, our best estimate for the time of the murder is between   3:50 pm and 4:10 pm.       


