QUANTUM MECHANICS                





Ian Cooper




Animations: time evolution of the wavefunction and probability density for compound states of a finite square potential well.




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In this article we will consider a compound (mixed) state of the eigenfunctions for a finite square potential. It would be easy to modify the code to examine other potential wells. The default parameters for the well are:


        grid point N = 519   eigenvalues returned M = 30

       xMin = -0.20 nm   xMax = 0.20 nm

      well width w = 0.10 nm

      well depth U0 = -1000 ev


Physical quantities are calculated in S.I. units but results are often given in nanometres [nm] for position, electron volts [eV] for energy and attoseconds [as] for time.


The potential well has six bound states and the energy eigenvalues are:


Energy eigenvalues [ev]

   E1 = -970.048

   E2 = -880.624

   E3 = -733.192

   E4 = -530.987

   E5 = -281.740

   E6 = -19.645

Fig. 1. Finite square well potential and the energy spectrum for the bound states. Depth U0 = -1000, width w = 0.1 nm


Fig. 2.   The eigenfunctions (eigenvectors) for the six bound states. The red lines show the boundaries of the potential well.


Fig. 3.   The probability density functions for the six bound states. The red lines show the boundaries of the potential well. The eigenfunctions are normalized for the plots so that the area under each curve is one. Note: The number of peaks is equal to the quantum number n. The eigenfunctions are time independent.


COMPOUND STATES: Superposition of eigenstates

The wavefunction for a compound state (mixed state) is given by



where an are a set complex numbers where



for a normalized wavefunction .


We can run simulations using the Code for the summation of any two of the six eigenstates m and n. The Code calculates expectation values for the wavefunction and parameters describing the transition from the higher energy eigenstate m to the lower energy eigenstate n (m > n). In the Console Window a summary of the results is displayed. Animations are displayed for the time evolution of the wavefunction and the probability density.


Consider a normalized compound state which is the summation of two eigenstates m and n with wavefunction







The expectation value for the compound wavefunction can be calculated for position and energies









The compound states m = 3 and n = 2, m = 3 and n =1, m = 4 and n = 1 are simulated for with the unnormalized coefficients am = 1.00 and an = 0.500. The normalized coefficients are

am = 0.984 and an = 0.447






Compound state    m = 3 and n = 2

    Eigenstates: m = 3   n = 2

      Em = -733.19 eV    En = -880.62 eV   Ephoton = 147.43 eV

      Frequency of emitted photon f =  3.56e+16 Hz 

      Period of emitted photon T =  28.05 as 

  Wavelength of emitted photon lambda =  8.42 nm



   max <x> = 1.764e-11  m

  electric dipole moment D = 2.826e-30  C.m

  rate of emission R = 2.482e-16  1/s

  radiative lifetime tau = 9.516e-02 s


In this transition 3 à 2 a photon in the ultraviolet would be emitted with a relative short lifetime.


Energy expectation values

  <U> = -971.37 eV           <K> = 208.69 eV            <E> = -762.68 eV


The calculated expectation value for the total energy is -763 eV.  The total energy can also be expressed as






We can interpret this result as the probability of a measurement of the total energy made on the system is equal to the square of the coefficient a. The result of a measurement is either E3 = -733 eV with probability a32 = 0.8 or E2 = -880 eV with probability a22 = 0.200.


The wavefunction is a superposition of two eigenstates. Any measurement of the total energy of the system will yield an energy eigenvalue of one of the two eigenstates. The measurement collapses the system into the eigenstate corresponding to the eigenvalue.


Fig. 4.  The expectation value for position < x > varies sinusoidally with a relatively large amplitude. Therefore, there is an oscillating electric dipole moment or oscillating charge distribution. The transition from m = 3 to n = 2 leads to the emission of a photon with energy Ephoton = 147 eV, frequency f = 3.56x1016 Hz and wavelength  = 8.42 nm (ultraviolet). 


Fig. 5.  Time evolution of the real (blue) and imaginary (red) parts of the wavefunction and the probability density (black). The animation clearly shows how the charge distribution oscillates.


Compound state    m = 3 and n = 1

Eigenstates: m = 3   n = 1

Em = -733.19 eV    En = -970.05 eV   Ephoton = 236.86 eV

Frequency of emitted photon f =  5.73e+16 Hz 

Period of emitted photon T =  17.46 as 

Wavelength of emitted photon lambda =  5.24 nm 


Energy expectation values

  <U> = -965.26 eV         <K> = 200.97 eV         <E> = -780.56 eV



  max <x> = -3.793e-24  m

  electric dipole moment D = -6.078e-43  C.m

  rate of emission R = 7.647e-41  1/s

  radiative lifetime tau = 4.963e+23 s


Fig. 6.    The variation of the expectation value of position < x > ~ 0. So, the electric dipole moment can be considered to be zero and the transition is forbidden.



Fig. 7. The probability density changes with time. However, since the two eigenstates have the same symmetry, no oscillating charge distribution occurs and the transition 3 à1 is forbidden (lifetime ~ 1023 s).



Compound state    m = 4 and n = 1

Eigenstates: m = 4   n = 1

Em = -530.99 eV    En = -970.05 eV   Ephoton = 439.06 eV

Frequency of emitted photon f =  1.06e+17 Hz 

Period of emitted photon T =  9.42 as 

Wavelength of emitted photon lambda =  2.83 nm 


Energy expectation values

  <U> = -946.62 eV         <K> = 327.82 eV         <E> = -618.80 eV



  max <x> = 1.310e-12  m

  electric dipole moment D = 2.099e-31  C.m

  rate of emission R = 1.077e-16  1/s

  radiative lifetime tau = 6.530e-01 s


Fig. 8. The maximum in < x > for the transition 4 à 1 is an order of magnitude smaller than for the transition 3 à 2. So, the oscillations in the electric dipole moment are about 10 times smaller. The lifetime of the transition 4 à 1 is 0.653 s while for the transition 3 à 2 is 0.095 s.



Fig. 9.  The time variation in the probability density is asymmetrical which gives rise to a small oscillating charge distribution. The transition from m = 4 to n = 1 leads to the emission of a photon will energy Ephoton = 439 eV, frequency f = 1.06x1017 Hz and wavelength  = 2.83 nm (ultraviolet – X-ray).