VISUAL PHYSICS ONLINE 5 DYNAMICS P50 003.m From nearest to furthest, the four satellite
moons of Jupiter first observed by Galileo in the year 1610 are called Io,
Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. For the first three
moons, the orbital period T
of each is
exactly twice the period of the one orbiting immediately inside it. The mass
of Jupiter is 1.90x1027 kg, and the orbital radius of Io is 421
600 km. (a) Use Kepler’s Law of
Periods to calculate Ganymede’s orbital radius. (b) Calculate Ganymede’s
orbital speed. View solution below only after you have completed the answering the question. |
Solution mass
of Jupiter
M = 1.90´1027 kg orbital
radius of Io R = 421 600 km
= 4.216´108 m G
= 6.67´10-11 (a)
Ganymede’s orbital radius Io
(b) Ganymede’s
orbital speed
Alternatively centripetal force =
gravitational force