(A) What is a blackbody? (B) What is Wien’s
Displacement Law? (C) What is the
significance of Wien’s Displacement Law? (D) Give two examples of
its use. (E) Draw a graph which
describes Wien’s Displacement Law. What do you need to
plot, to give a straight line graph? View solution below only after you have completed answering the question. The solution is not in a form that you would answer in an examination. The answers are often in more detail to help improve your appreciation and understanding of the physics. |
Solution (A) All objects with a temperature above absolute zero (0 K) emit energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. A blackbody is an idealized object which absorbs all radiation falling on it, reflecting or transmitting none. It is a is a “perfect” absorber and a “perfect” emitter of radiation over all wavelengths. (B) Wien's displacement law: the blackbody
radiation curve for different temperatures will peak at different wavelengths
that are inversely proportional to the temperature. The peak wavelength (C) Wien's
displacement law is relevant to many everyday experiences. By measuring the
peak wavelength emitted by a hot object, you can estimate its surface temperature. (D) A piece of
metal at room temperature emits mainly infrared wavelengths, which are not
visible to our eyes. When the metal is heated, it first becomes “red
hot” as the very longest visible wavelengths appear red. It then
becomes more orange-red as the temperature is increased, and at very
high temperatures would be described as "white hot" as shorter and
shorter wavelengths come to predominate the black body emission spectrum. One easily
observes changes in the colour of an incandescent light bulb as the
temperature of its filament is varied by a light dimmer. As the light is
dimmed and the filament temperature decreases, the distribution of colour
shifts toward longer wavelengths and the light appears redder, as well as
dimmer. A wood fire at
1500 K puts out peak radiation at about 2000 nm. 98% of its radiation is at
wavelengths longer than 1000 nm, and only a tiny proportion at visible
wavelengths (390–750 nm). Consequently, a campfire can keep one warm
but is a poor source of visible light. The colour of a
star is used to determined its temperature from the
Wien's law. In the constellation of Orion, one can compare Betelgeuse (T ≈ 3 300 K), Rigel
(T = 12 100 K,), Bellatrix (T = 22 000 K), and Mintaka
(T = 31800 K). The
preponderance of emission in the visible range, however, is not the case in
most stars. The hot supergiant Rigel emits 60% of
its light in the ultraviolet, while the cool supergiant Betelgeuse emits 85%
of its light at infrared wavelengths. With both stars prominent in the
constellation of Orion, one can easily appreciate the color
difference between the blue-white Rigel (T = 12100
K) and the red Betelgeuse (T ≈ 3300 K). While few stars are as hot as Rigel, stars cooler than the Sun or even as cool as
Betelgeuse are very commonplace. Blackbody spectrum for a blue star at 7000 K Mammals with a
skin temperature of about 300 K emit peak radiation at around 10 μm (10 000 nm) in the far infrared. This is therefore
the range of infrared wavelengths that pit viper snakes and infrared cameras
must sense. (E) |