Ian Cooper



A skill that you must master is to change one unit in to another. For example, years into seconds, and km.h-1 to m.s-1.


Example 1    Simple time conversions



It is often necessary to convert one set of units into another. This can be done by reducing the conversion to a simple algebraic problem. The following examples will illustrate how to do this.


Example 2

A car is travelling at a speed of 165 km.h-1. What is the speed of the car in m.s-1 ?

           1 km = 103 m       1 h = (60)(60) s = 3.6´103 s                       

           1 km. h-1  =  (103) / (3.6´103)  m.s-1 

           165 km.h-1  =  (165) (103) / (3.6´103)  m.s-1  = 45.8 m.s-1 


Example 3

The density of a liquid was 1.8 g.mL-1. What is the density in kg.m-3 ?

        1 g = 10-3 kg

        1 mL = 1 cm3

        1 cm = 10-2 m

        1 cm3 = (10-2)3 cm3  = 10-6 m3

        1 g.mL-1 = (10-3) / (10-6) kg.m-3  

        1.8 g.mL-1 = (1.8)  (10-3) / (10-6) kg.m-3  = 1.8´103 kg.m-3



        The use of multiplication by powers of 10 (x106).

        The use of superscripts:

                   use m.s-1 not m/s

                   use kg.m-3 not kg/m3