Time is a relative quantity: different observers can measurement different time intervals between the occurrence of two events. This arises because the speed of light is a constant and independent of the motion of the source of light or the motion of an observer.


Moving clocks run slow


Time Dilation Effect

Proper time t0 – the time interval between two events occurring at the same point in space w.r.t. a clock at rest at that point.

Dilated time interval t time interval for event observed in a moving frame as measured on synchronised clocks by a stationary observer.

                t > t0  since 




Twin paradox: The twin who goes on a return space journey will return younger than the twin who stayed on Earth.


Simultaneity:  Two events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference (S) are not necessarily simultaneous in another frame of reference (M) moving with respect to the first frame (S).




Learning strategies

The time dilation effect can be very confusing, even to physicists. So, we need a strategy to overcome the difficulties to better understand and apply the concepts associated with the time dilation effect. The way to approach the time dilation effect is to recognise the fact that there are two frames of reference moving w.r.t. to each other with a constant velocity. An easy way to do this is to label the two frames of reference as Stationary or Fixed (Steve) and Moving (Mary).

·       Steve: stationary (fixed) frame of reference

·       Mary: moving frame of reference (Mary’s frame of reference is moving at a constant velocity  w.r.t  Steve’s frame of reference)


An event occurs in Mary’s frame of reference and this event is observed by Steve in his frame of reference. Mary measures the duration time  of the event with her clock. Steve as an observer needs two clocks to measure the duration  of the event observed in Mary’s frame of reference using his two clocks.  Our two observers disagree on the measurement of the time interval for the event and the time dilation effect equation describing the two time-intervals is






Equation LS1 is the best way to think about the time dilation equation and this is the format in which the equation is presented in better quality physics textbooks. However, in the syllabus and not so good textbook, the equation for time dilation effect is written as






Equation LS2 does not clearly differentiate between the two frames of reference and t is not time, but represents a time interval measurement, so it better to use .


 is called the proper time and corresponds to the shortest time interval measurement since is measurement made by Mary in her frame of reference.







Two events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference (S) are not necessarily simultaneous in another frame of reference (M) moving with respect to the first frame (S)


Einstein recognised the fact that an event in a given system must be specified by stating both its space and time coordinates, since both space and time are not absolute but relative quantities.


Consider the flashing of two green bulbs fixed in the Steve’s stationary frame of reference. The two bulbs are positioned on either side of Steve at equal distances. When the bulbs flash together, the light will travel equal distances and Steve will see the flashes arrive simultaneously (the two flashes arrive at the same time). Mary is moving at a constant velocity from the left to right past Steve. At the instant Mary is alongside Steve, the two green bulbs flash. Remember, Steve says the two light flashes arrive at the same time.  However, in the time for the light to arrive at Steve’s location, Mary has moved to the right slightly, and she concludes that the light coming from the right arrived before the light from the left since the light must travel a greater distance from the left. The event was not simultaneous from Mary’s point of view (figure 1).

Fig. 1.   Green flashbulbs are positioned in Steve’s frame at equal distances on either side of Steve. According to Steve, since the two pulses of green light arrive at the same time, the two bulbs went off simultaneously. Mary in her frame is moving to the right with constant velocity. The two bulbs flash when Mary and Steve are abreast of each other. During the flight time of the light flashes, Mary has moved to the right, and hence the two flashes do not arrive simultaneously. The light from the right travels a shorter distance than the light coming from the left. Hence, Mary concludes the bulb on the right flashed before the one on the left.


The time interval between two events maybe different in different frames of reference.





In the Theory of Special Relativity, time dilation is the actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers in inertial frames of reference that are in relative motion. We assume that there are no gravitational effects because from the theory of General Relativity, clocks run slow in stronger gravitational fields. This gravitational effect on time intervals must be considered for GPS satellite systems. Clocks on the ground run slower than clocks on board the GPS satellites.

Concise Oxford Dictionary: dilate

    make or become wider or larger; expand; widen; enlarge


The time interval for an event depends upon the relative motion between the location of the of the event and the location of an observer. Different observers may measure different time intervals. A time interval is a relative quantity and not an absolute quantity. This effect arises neither from technical aspects of the clocks nor from the fact that signals need time to propagate, but from the nature of space - time itself.


Consider two inertial frames of reference. Steve’s system is chosen as the stationary (fixed) reference frame and Mary’s system as moving along the X axis with constant velocity v as shown in figure 2.  Think of Mary in a train carriage moving past Steve who is standing on the ground. As Mary passes Steve, a light is switch on in the train carriage and the light travels from floor-ceiling-floor.  Our goal is to find the time interval for the light to travel from floor-ceiling-floor as observed by Mary and Steve. Note: Steve is in the stationary frame, while Mary is in the moving frame and Steve observes the event that occurs in Mary’s frame.


Fig. 2.   Mary is a moving train carriage (moving frame of reference) and Steve is standing on the ground (stationary frame of reference) observing the event of a flash of light traveling from floor-ceiling-floor occurring in Mary’s frame of reference. We will assume that the height of the carriage is 10 m and Mary velocity w.r.t. Steve is 0.8c.



Mary: moving frame of reference

The event observed by Mary is a flash of light that travels at the speed of light c from floor-ceiling-floor as she passes Steve. The distance from the floor to the ceiling is . Mary’s clock starts at time zero when a lightbulb turns on and turns off when the flash arrives back at the floor. The time interval of the event of the light travelling from the floor-ceiling-floor is  as measured by Mary’s clock. The flash of light travels a distance . So, the time interval measured by Mary is


Fig. 3.  The time for the round trip of the light is .  If  then the time interval measured by Mary is .


Steve: Stationary frame of reference

Steve observes the round trip for the flash of light that occurs in Mary’s frame of reference. The event of the flash of light emitted from the floor and the event of the light returning to the floor occur at two different locations in Steve’s frame of reference. Therefore, two synchronized clocks are required, one at each location of each event. When the flash of light is emitted, the time on clock 1 is recorded and clock 2 records the time at the end of the round trip for the light flash. The time interval  between the two events can be measured from the two clock readings. In this time interval , Mary’s frame of reference has moved a distance  . Steve’s time interval  can be calculated from the distance travelled divided by the speed of light c. The distance is calculated using the theorem of Pythagoras as shown in figure 4.



Fig. 4.   The path of the flash of light as observed by Steve. The distance travelled by the light from Steve’s point of view is greater than from Mary’s point of view. Therefore, the light must take longer for its round trip for Steve then Mary. If  and   then the time interval measured by Steve is



Fig. 5.  Mary in her frame observes the flash of light emitted from a source and reflected-back along the same vertical straight line. However, Steve observes the same flash of light travelling in straight lines which have both vertical and horizontal components as shown. Steve measures a longer time interval  as the light travels at the same speed in both frames of reference but it travels a longer distance according to Steve.


Check the numbers


speed of light  

speed of Mary w.r.t. Steve  

floor-ceiling distance  


Distance flash of travelled in Mary’s frame  

Time interval in Mary’s frame     

Distance Mary’s carriage moved to the right in Steve’s frame  

Distance flash of light travelled in Steve’s frame    

Time interval in Steve’s frame     

Show that the numbers agree with the prediction


Time dilation equation



Syllabus equation










              Fig. 6.  



There is only one frame of reference in which a clock is at rest and the time interval between two events occur at the same location. This time interval is called the proper time . The proper time is always the smallest time interval. The time interval  measured in the stationary (fixed) system is called the dilated time and the two events are observed to occur at different locations.


The moving clock can be any kind of clock. It can be the time for sand to move through an hour glass, the time for a light to be switched on/off, the time between heartbeats or the time between ticks of a clock. In the example shown in figure 5, if Steve has aged by 111 years, he would observe a much younger Mary who had aged only by 67 years.


We could repeat the calculation can take Mary’s system as fixed system and Steve’s as the moving system and Mary would conclude that Steve’s clock is running slow. Because of the symmetry, each person can claim the clock in the other (moving) system is running slow


Observers measure any clock to run slow if it moves relative to them


Time dilation slows everything down literally everything (apart from light). All cellular processes slow down, rate of hair growth slows down, cell degeneration slows down, cell regeneration slows down and therefore ageing slows down.


Time intervals aren't absolute. Different observers genuinely experience different intervals of time, and there is no privileged observer that can claim to have experienced the actual amount of time something took.


The time dilation effect must be taken into account in GPS since the communication satellites involved are moving with respect to each to other with relative speeds varying from 0 to   15.8km.s-1. These speeds are extremely small compared to the speed of light. However, for accurate position determinations, the small corrections due to the time dilation effect and general relativity effects must be used.

Fig. 7.   In a GPS system both the effects of special relativity and general relativity must be considered.




Example 1

A day on Earth has 24.00 hours. How fast must a rocket travel so that the rocket’s clock measures a time interval of 23.00 hours?



How to approach the problem (ISEE)

 Type of problem: special relativity / time dilation

Knowledge: moving clocks run slow 





Earth: stationary system   

Rocket: moving system   

Speed of rocket system w.r.t. Earth system  v = ? c

Execute:  (substitute numbers into formula for time dilation)








     v = 0.29 c





Example 2

Consider two trains with velocities v1 = 0.10c and v2 = 0.90c w.r.t. a stationary frame of reference. In the stationary frame of reference, the duration of between two events was 1.00 s. What would be the duration of the event as measured by clocks on the trains?



How to approach the problem (ISEE)

Type of problem: special relativity / time dilation

Draw an annotated diagram – need to identify the systems in which the proper time interval the dilated time are measured (it is not always easily to distinguish the system for the proper time or dilated time).

Knowledge: moving clocks run slow 




Let the inertial reference frames be identify as Steve’s system, Mary’s system and Eve’s system. The event occurs in Steve’s system, so, the proper time interval is t0 = 1.00 s. This event is observed by Mary and Eve in their systems. So, Mary and Eve become the fixed system and Steve’s system the moving system.   

Steve needs only one clock to make the time interval measurement since the event occurs at one point in space. Both Mary and Eve need two clocks because the start and finish of the events occur at differential special points.


Proper time t0 = 1.00 s

 Dilated time interval in Mary’s system is




Dilated time interval in Eve’s system is





The dilated time interval in Mary’s system (t1 = 1.005 s) is only slightly greater than the proper time (t0 = 1.00 s). However, the dilated time interval in Eve’s system (t2 = 2.29 s) is significantly larger than the proper time interval.


It is essential that you understand that this is not an illusion.  It makes no sense to ask which of these times is the “real” time.  Since no preferred reference frame exists all times are as real as each other.  They are the real times seen for the event by the respective observers.


Time dilation tells us that a moving clock runs slower than a clock at rest by a factor of 




This result, however, can be generalised beyond clocks to include all physical, biological and chemical processes.  The Theory of Special Relativity predicts that all such processes occurring in a moving frame will slow down relative to a stationary clock.


A time interval measurement is a relative quantity. So, if Mary measured the time interval for an event occurring in Eve’s system as 1.005 s, what is the time interval measurement that would be measured by Eve?

Mary  stationary system    

Eve     moving system     

Speed of Eve w.r.t. Mary    







The twin paradox is another example of a thought experiment in relativity.  Consider two twins.  Twin A takes a trip in a rocket ship at speed v relative to the Earth to a distant point in space and then returns, again at the speed v.  Twin B remains on Earth the whole time.  According to Twin B, the travelling twin will have aged less, since his clock would have been running slowly relative to Twin B’s clock and would therefore have recorded less time than Twin B’s clock.  However, since no preferred reference frame exists, Twin A would say that it is he who is at rest and that the Earth twin travels away from him and then returns.  Hence, Twin A will predict that time will pass more slowly on Earth, and hence the Earth twin will be the younger one when they are re-united.  Since they both cannot be right, we have a paradox.


To resolve the paradox, we need to realise that it arises because we assume that the twins’ situations are symmetrical and interchangeable.  On closer examination, we find that this assumption is not correct.  The results of Special Relativity can only be applied by observers in inertial reference frames.  Since the Earth is considered an inertial reference frame, the prediction of Twin B should be reliable.  Twin A is only in an inertial frame whilst travelling at constant velocity v.  During the intervals when the rocket ship accelerates, to speed up or slow down, the reference frame of Twin A is non-inertial.  The predictions of the travelling twin based on Special Relativity during these acceleration periods will be incorrect.  General Relativity can be used to treat the periods of accelerated motion.  When this is done, it is found that the travelling twin is indeed the younger one. Note that the only way to tell whose clock has been running slowly is to bring both clocks back together, at rest on Earth.  It is then found that it is the observer who goes on the round trip whose clock has slowed down relative to the clock of the observer who stayed at home. This has been confirmed by aircraft carrying clock’s around the Earth.





Example 3

Astronaut Mary travels from Earth to Vega (5th brightest star in the night sky), leaving her 30 year old twin brother Steve behind. Mary travels with a speed 0.990c and Vega is 25.3 light-years from Earth (1 light-year is the distance travelled by light in one year).  At the end of the journey by Mary, what is the age of the twins?


During the journey through space, Mary’s pulse rate was monitored. Mary’s heart rate recorded on her monitor was 60 beats.min-1. What heart rate was recorded on Steve’s monitor?



Think How to approach the problem

Visualise the physical situation

Annotated diagram (known and unknown quantities, frames of reference

Type of problem    special relativity   time dilation




Mary: moving frame of reference    

Steve: fixed (stationary) frame of reference   t  

Speed of Mary w.r.t. Steve   


The event is the journey of Mary in the space ship from the Earth to Vega. In Steve’s fixed frame, the Earth and Vega are stationary and Mary travels the distance  between the Earth and Vega at a speed v. The distance  is known as the proper length. So, the time interval t for the journey by Steve’s clock is



Mary is in the moving frame and her clock records the proper time interval



Thus, when Mary reaches Vega, she is only 33.6 years old, but Steve who was left behind on Earth is 55.6 years old.


From the point of view of Mary, the journey took 3.61 y at a speed of 0.990c. Mary concludes that the distance  from the Earth to Vega is



L is known as the contracted length.


Note: Steve and Mary disagree on time interval and length measurements – time and distance are a relative concept.

Steve’s fixed system       t   = 25.6 y   L0 = 25.3 ly

Mary’s moving system   t0 = 3.61 y    L   = 3.57 ly



Mary’s system

Heart rate   

Time interval between pulses (proper time)  t0 = 1 / fM = 1 s


Steve’s system

Dilated time   

Heart rate      



The rate of a person’s heartbeat does not change because of time dilation. The rate at which another person, moving relative to the first, measures the first person’s heartbeat depends on their relative velocity. We conclude that Steve’s heart rate is less than Mary’s heart rate.