A New Standard of Length 







Relativistic addition of velocities



A New Standard of Length 

The speed of light by definition has the value 299 792 458 m.s-1


The metre is now defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second as measured by a caesium clock. 







A moving truck fired a rocket. The truck was travelling at 100 km.h-1 and the rocket was launched with a muzzle speed at 200 km.h-1 (speed of rocket w.r.t. truck) in the same direction that the truck was moving. Obviously the speed of the rocket is 300 km.h-1  w.r.t the ground (100 + 200 = 300).


     Fig. 1.  Newtonian mechanics: adding velocities  .



Mary is in a spaceship travelling at 0.8c w.r.t. Steve . A rocket is launched from the spaceship by Mary at a speed of 0.7c  w.r.t. Mary .


Fig. 2.  Addition of velocities. If  then the Newtonian rule for the addition of velocities is incorrect.


According to Newtonian mechanics, the speed of the rocket observed by Steve is  




But, our answer is wrong. We know that by Einstein’s postulate that the speed of an object must be less than the speed of light c. Einstein derived the correct formula for the addition of velocities. In our example, the velocity of the rocket w.r.t. to the ground is


          (2)           relativistic addition of velocities



Applying the correction equation, the speed of the rocket w.r.t Steve is








Note: if the speed of light were infinite  , the denominator would be equal to 1, and we would recover the classical velocity addition equation. So, it is the finite speed of light that is responsible for relativistic effects.



A New Standard of Length 


Length is one of the fundamental quantities in Physics because its definition does not depend on other physical quantities.  The SI unit of length, the metre was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the geographic North Pole.  The first truly international standard of length was a bar of platinum-iridium alloy called the standard metre and kept in Paris.  The bar was supported mechanically in a prescribed way and kept in an airtight cabinet at 0 oC.  The distance between two fine lines engraved on gold plugs near the ends of the bar was defined to be one metre.


In 1961 an atomic standard of length was adopted by international agreement. The metre was defined to be 1 650 763.73 times the wavelength of the orange-red light from the isotope krypton-86.  This standard had many advantages over the original – increased precision in length measurements, greater accessibility and greater invariability to list a few.


In 1983 the metre was re-defined in terms of the speed of light in a vacuum.  The metre is now defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second as measured by a caesium clock.  Since the speed of light is constant and we can measure time more accurately than length, this standard provides increased precision over previous standards.  The reason for that fraction (1/299792458) is that the standard then corresponds to the historical definition of the metre – the length on the bar in Paris.  So, our current standard of length is defined in terms of time in contrast to the original standard metre, which was defined directly in terms of length (distance).