Total energy

    total energy = rest energy + kinetic energy + potential energy


 Law of conservation mass-energy   isolated system E = constant




Alpha decay is one process that unstable atoms can use to become more stable. During alpha decay, an atom's nucleus sheds two protons and two neutrons in a packet called an alpha particle ( particle). Since an atom loses two protons during alpha decay, it changes from one element to another.


Transmutation of a parent P into its daughter D and  particle:

APZ   ®   A-4DZ-2  +  4He2





Energy / Mass      units, values and conversion factors


amu (atomic mass unit) = 1 u = 1.66054´10-27  kg

1 eV = 1.602´10-19   J      1 MeV = 106  eV


         c = 2.99792´108  m.s-1        


A mass of 1 u (1 amu) has an energy equivalent of: 

E = (1.66054´10-27) (2.99792´108)2  J = 1.49242´10-10  J

          E = 931.494 MeV

          1 u º 931.494 MeV/c2


Proton mass

mp = 1.67262´10-27   kg = 1.0072765 u = 938.3 MeV/c2

Neutron mass

          mn = 1.67493´10-27   kg = 1.0086649 u = 939.6 MeV/c2

Electron mass

          me = 9.1093897´10-31   kg = 0.0005485799 u = 0.511 MeV/c2









Some isotopes are unstable and decay to form a stable, nonradioactive nuclei. An unstable-radioactive nuclei can emitted an alpha particle (4He2 nucleus).


An alpha particle (a particle) is a helium nucleus 4He2 that is naturally emitted from an unstable nucleus producing a nucleus of a new element.

Emission of a 4He2 nucleus: 

            N → (N – 2)     Z → (Z – 2)     A → (A – 4)


Transmutation of a parent P into its daughter D:

               APZ   ®   A-4DZ-2  +  4He2 


Alpha decay occurs because the strong nuclear force is unable to hold large nuclei together (Z > 82). The attractive strong nuclear force only acts between neighbouring nucleons since it is short ranged. However, the repulsive electrostatic force is long ranged and acts all the way across a nucleus and dominates the strong nuclear force. An a particle is very a very tightly bound unit, and therefore a helium nucleus is emitted rather than some other combination of protons and neutrons.


One widespread application of nuclear physics is present in nearly every home in the form of an ordinary smoke detector.

Description: Image result for image smoke detector


Web search: How does a smoke detector work?


Alpha particles have the least penetrating power compared to beta particles and gamma rays as they move with a smaller velocity. Alpha particles very easily ionize the atoms in their vicinity and hence loss energy very rapidly and therefore doesn’t travel very far into a material. In air, alpha particles only travel about 100 mm.


Alpha particles are not particularly dangerous to a person with external exposure. However, if ingested, they can cause serve damage to cells and organs because of the high ionizing power.



Example 1


             Initial state (reactants)      Final state (products)

                                      radium     ®  radon    +     a

                                                            226Ra88     ®   222Rn86     +   4He2

Mass: Reactants

     225.977134  u 

Mass: Products

     221.970399  u 

     4.001506  u 

Mass defect

     dM = 0.005229  u 

Disintegration value Q

     Q = 4.870624  MeV 


However, this decay is not so simple. A gamma ray is emitted when a parent nucleus decays by emitting an alpha particle and the daughter nucleus is left in an excited state (*).  The excited daughter nucleus than emits a gamma ray. So, in an a source, g rays are often emitted as well as the a particles.  The excited nucleus can be represented by the superscript *, e.g., 222Rn86*  


              226Ra88      ®   222Rn86     +  4He2   

                         energy of a particle  4.871 MeV


              226Ra88      ®   222Rn86*    +  4He2  

                                        energy of a particle  4.685 MeV


              222Rn86*    ®     222Rn86    +  g      

                             energy of g ray  0.186 MeV



Example 2

Consider the emission of an alpha particle from the uranium nucleus 230U92


             Initial state (reactants)      Final state (products)

                                      230U92              226Th90  +   4He2

                    mU = 230.033927 u     mTh = 226.024891 u    mHe = 4.002603 u



Mass deficiency




Disintegration energy




Alpha decay is allowed since Q > 0. This means that the mass of the products is less than the mass of the decaying nuclei. The energy released in the decay appears as the kinetic energy of the thorium and helium nuclei  (6.00 MeV).



Example 3

We will consider the emission of an alpha particle (helium nucleus) from a heavy nucleus of thorium where the parent nucleus is unstable and spontaneous explodes tearing the whole atom into two pieces.

                            Initial state (reactants)      Final state (products)

                                                    thorium     ®  radium    +     a





         Mass defect


Disintegration energy





Mass: Reactants

     231.988688  u 

     231.988688  u 


Mass: Products

     227.982800  u 

     4.001506  u 

     231.984306  u 


Mass defect

     dM = 0.004382  u 

Disintegration value Q

     Q = 4.081600  MeV 


The mass defect mass becomes the kinetic energy of the products