Every type of particle has an associated antiparticle with the same mass but with opposite electrical charge. For example, the antiparticle of the electron is the positron.


Some particles, such as the photon, are their own antiparticle. Otherwise, for each pair of antiparticle partners, one is designated as normal matter (most objects in the universe) and the other as antimatter.


Particle–antiparticle pairs can annihilate each other, producing photons. Since the charges of the particle and antiparticle are opposite, total charge is conserved. For example, the positrons produced in natural radioactive decay quickly annihilate themselves with electrons, producing pairs of gamma rays, a process exploited in positron emission tomography.


Pair production occurs when an electron - positron pair is created when a gamma ray interacts with a nucleus when traveling through matter. Pair production is a direct conversion of electromagnetic energy to matter (energy  mass). It is one of the principal ways in which high-energy gamma rays are absorbed in matter.





Particle – Antiparticle Interactions


A particularly interesting feature of the equivalence of mass and energy is the existence of antimatter. For each charged particle that exists in nature, there is its corresponding antiparticle which has the same mass but opposite charge. For example, the antiparticle for an electron (e-) is a positron (e+).


Antimatter is frequently created in particle accelerators, where particles collide at speeds approaching the speed of light.



Electron – positron annihilation


When an electron (e-) and a positron (e+) meet, they annihilate converting their mass into energy in the form of gamma rays (g)


   e- + e+  ®  g + g       energy of gamma rays = 2me c2 = 1.02 MeV


Momentum, energy and charge are conserved in the reaction. In matter-antimatter annihilation, the particles vanish in a burst of radiation.



Fig. 1.  The particle / antiparticle annihilate each other generating two high energy gamma ray photons. Charge, energy and mometum are all conserved in the annihilation process. The kinetic energy and the rest energy of the electron and positron are converted into the energy of the zero mass photons.


Electron-positron annihilation is the basis for the diagnostic technique called positron-electron tomography (PET). PET scanning is used to examine biological processes in the body. In a PET scan of the brain, a patient is injected with glucose that has been tagged with radioactive traces. These radioactive traces emit positrons in a nuclear reaction. These positrons collide with electrons in the brain and undergo annihilation. The two gamma rays emitted are detected by the instrumentation surrounding the patient. The recordings are analysed by a computer to produce coloured images showing the glucose metabolism levels within the brain.




Fig. 2. PET scanning. The powerful diagnostic tools of PET scanning rely on the annihilation of matter and antimatter in a person’s brain.



Pair Production

A 1.02 MeV gamma ray can produce an electron - positron pair in a process known as pair production.

g ® e- + e+



Fig. 3.  Cloud chamber tracks: Pair production. From the charged particle tracks, what can you conclude about the magnetic field of the cloud chamber?


For pair production to occur, the electromagnetic energy, in a discrete quantity called a photon, must be at least equivalent to the mass of electrons plus mass of positron. The mass m of a single electron is equivalent to 0.51 MeV (E0 = m c2). Hence, to produce electron – positron pair, the photon energy must be at least 1.02 MeV. Photon energy greater 1.02 MeV is converted into the kinetic energy of the electron-positron pair. If pair production occurs in a track detector (cloud chamber figure 3) to which a magnetic field is properly applied, the electron and the positron curve away from the point of formation in opposite directions in arcs of equal curvature. In this way pair production was first detected (1933). The positron that is formed quickly disappears by reconversion into photons in the process of annihilation with another electron in matter.